Saturday 17 January 2009

Planning Application Process

Apply for a Lawful Development Certificate

1. Applicant Name and Address

2. Agent Name and Address

3. Site Address Details

4. Pre-application Advice

5. Lawful development Certificate – Interest in Land

6. Council Employee/Member

7. Grounds for Application

You must explain in your own words why you consider a Lawful Development Certificate should be

granted. The evidence necessary to prove your entitlement to a certificate will depend on what is

applied for, but you should always remember that for the emphasis is on the applicant to convince

the local authority that a certificate should be issued. Therefore, the evidence submitted should be

clear and convincing.

8. Description of Proposal

9. Planning Application Requirements - Checklist

10. Declaration

11. Applicant Contact Details

12. Agent Contact Details

13. Site visit

Pre-application advise 

Applications are submitted through National Planning Portal

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