Saturday 17 January 2009

INFLUENCES: KingsX Opportunity Area as defined by Camden Council

What is the Opportunity Area?

The King's Cross Opportunity Area covers 54 hectares (134 acres) of land in total. In general, the area is bordered by Euston Road and the two main line stations of St Pancras and King's Cross to the south, the North London Line to the north, York Way to the east and the main lines from St Pancras to the west.

Who owns the land?

London & Continental Railways (LCR) are entitled to take full ownership of most of the land in the King's Cross Opportunity Area site once the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) becomes operational with international services to and from St Pancras in 2007.

Exel are the other principle landowners, while British Waterways control the Regent's Canal which flows through the site. LCR and Exel have appointed Argent and St George as their development partners to take forward the development of the site. In the outline planning applications, the site is referred to as 'King's Cross Central'.

How will development be controlled?

During the past three years Camden and Islington councils and the Greater London Authority (GLA) have consulted on a variety of documents and policies that will guide development in the King's Cross Opportunity Area. These polices and documents include:

Our objectives for the new development: 'King's Cross - towards an integrated city' (2001):



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