Thursday 15 January 2009

Open City, Ritoque, Chile


Open City in Ritoque, Chile

Situated not far from Valparaiso City in dunes next to sea Open City is great example of attempt building without financial constraint, without client, motives for construction were very different. Buildings were built by students of Valparaiso school of Architecture themselves and for themselves. Structures never finished, altered constantly. They appearance and even functions were informed not by usual requirements for buildings; rather those were inspired by poetry, dunes around them. Rejecting projection of power in organisation of spaces, architecture students intended rethink their relationships and therefore rethink functions and organisations of spaces without any plan imposed in advance of creative act.

By rethinking structures already existing in their imagination, influenced by surrealism, guided by their teacher Godofredo Iommi, students started seeing architecture as poetic art, tool that can change the everyday.

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