Thursday 18 December 2008

regeneration in Leeds

Irena Bauman wrote a book How to be a Happy Architect(, in video taken by Guardian news portal she talks about problems of Leeds regeneration. Regeneration does not solve problems of poor communities; instead they are getting gentrified and pushed out of area. In her opinion credit crunch will give us all time to think.

her father philosopher Zygmunth Bauman taught sociology in University of Leeds, here I found text that he wrote for magazine Voices of resistance from occupied London

quote from that text-

The new migration casts a question mark upon the bond between identity and citizenship, individual and place, neighbourhood and belonging. Jonathan Rutherford, acute and insightful observer of the fast changing frames of human togetherness, notes that the residents of the London street on which he lives form a neighbourhood of different communities, some with networks extending only to the next street, others which stretch across the world. It is a neighbourhood of porous boundaries in which it is difficult to identify who belongs and who is an outsider. What is it we belong to in this locality? What is it that each of us calls home and, when we think back and remember how we arrived here, what stories do we share?


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