Wednesday, 29 October 2008

some thoughts on the ethos

We see things in less obvious ways, through the eyes of all inhabitants on a given site. Eg, butterfly, goose etc

We don't see the site as an isolated place in the present stage. Instead, we make the connection between the site and its surroundings and its connection to the city on a larger scale. We also compare the past to its present and try to come up with an idea the copes with potential future changes (everything is in the process of transformation.)

We learn from the site and try to come up with an idea that is beneficial to all (maybe too broad :(.) We certainly don't want to impose anything without a full understanding. 

This is definitely too broad.... we still need to figure out what we are doing as a practice.. 
I'm lost but still thinking!
Nice job on all previous postings! keep it up!

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